
  • Release date : Sep 19 2021 - 22:30
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Clarification of the most important COVID-19 control management measures in a meeting with the representative of the World Health Organization in the country

The Commander of Corona Disease Management Operations in Tehran, in a meeting with the new representative of the World Health Organization in the country, pointed to the need to develop an appropriate management model in the current crisis, and mentioned the capital's actions in disease control as a successful experience.

On Tuesday June 15, 2021, Dr. Alireza Zali, Chancellor of the university with Dr. Babak Sharif Kashani Vice- Chancellor of International Affairs, Dr. Afshin Zarghi Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology, Dr. Ali Haeri Senior Advisor to the Chancellor and Dr. Ali Maher Advisor to the Chancellor for Investment and Economic Partnerships met with Dr. Syed Jaffar Hussain, the new representative of the World Health Organization in Iran, and discussed the management of COVID-19, research cooperation in this field and effective solutions to control the crisis as soon as possible.

In this meeting, the representative of the World Health Organization, while presenting a report on the status of COVID-19 and mortality in the world, especially in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, discussed the causes and components affecting the instability of the disease in the country and the capital. He considered this year's Nowruz holiday indescribable. Dr. Syed Jaffar Hussain continued his speech by explaining the effect of vaccination on disease control, challenges and obstacles to deal with this epidemic virus and stressed the need to pay more attention to identifying the hot spots of the disease and following up on people in contact with patients.

The representative of the World Health Organization in the end, referring to the margins raised about the source of the spread of the virus and how it spread outside Wuhan, said: It is an important bitter event that many families are struggling with and should try to prevent the loss of more people by better management of the disease.


In this meeting, Dr. Alireza Zali, Commander of Corona Disease Management Operations in Tehran, regarding the appropriate model of disease management, said: considering the style and quality of life and cultural and social conditions of the general public, an appropriate management model should be developed and acted upon. Of course, successful experiences have been gained in the capital so far, and the establishment of an outpatient clinic for receiving corona injections has been one of the effective measures in reducing the burden on hospitals and managing the treatment of patients.

Dr. Babak Sharif Kashani, Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs, referring to the difficult conditions that prevailed in the country, especially in the capital, at the beginning of the crisis, said: "Nevertheless, all decisions and measures were made in accordance with the situation and in a desirable manner. It was not proportionate with the available equipment and resources, but after a while the conditions of shortcomings were eliminated and it can be said that Tehran, with a population equal to some neighboring countries, had a more acceptable performance. Dr. Sharif Kashani considered the wider cooperation with the World Health Organization to be effective in better management of the disease and said: gaining successful experiences and providing the necessary equipment will definitely help us in the fight against this disease.

Dr. Afshin Zarghi, Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology, announced the university's readiness to expand research cooperation, especially in the field of medicine, with the World Health Organization.

Dr. Ali Haeri, Senior Advisor to the Chancellor of the university, emphasized on the good measures taken in the field of prevention and screening by the Vice-Chancellor of Health, stated: In the corona crisis, general hospitals devoted most of their capacity to receiving COVID-19 patients and this put a lot of pressure on the treatment field, which raises concerns and its consequences. According to Dr. Haeri, after full control of the crisis, the psychological and social effects of the disease on the general public and health care staff will be significant, so there is a need for planning in this area.

In this meeting, Dr. Ali Maher also presented a brief report on statistics and data analysis related to patients admitted to hospitals of three universities of medical sciences in Tehran province, and referring to the GIS data from high-risk and low-risk areas of Tehran province, and explained the distribution of the disease at different ages.

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  • News code : 105854